Saturday, October 8, 2011

Speciemen # 5 Trichostomum tenuirostre

                                                          Fig1. Trichostomum tenuirostre

Name: Trichostomum tenuirostre
Family: Pottiaceae
Collection Date:- 05-10-2011
Habitat: "T. tenuirostre grows on damp or humid, acidic, shaded or unshaded rock or more
rarely on roots of trees by streams and other water courses." (Lawley 435)
Location: West woods
Description: Medium sized green plants, grow on soil, rocks and rotting logs.
Collector: Getachew Hatsey
Key Used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.

Keying Steps:
Introduction Key pg. 19
1a. Plants with stems and leaves; leaves spaced equally around the stem or...leaf cells elongate and isodiametric...rhizoids multicellular..sporophyte long lived..........................2
2b. Plants not as above...................3
3b. plants not as above....................(p.28) Subclass 3. BRYDAE.
key to Genera  Bryidae
1b. Green plants...empty cells at the base, apex, or margin of leaf.............3
3b. Leaves inserted in three or more rows, plant sometimes strongly flattened.........7
7b. plants with a peristome of more than 4 teeth or peristome teeth absent.........8
8b. Leaves well developed and persistent.............9
9b. Capsule and leaves not as above...................10
10b. Plants with a distinct stem ; capsule present with operculum......17
17b. plants large, capsule exserted; grows on trees.........20
20b. leaves without such outgrowth; sometimes with deciduous gemmae...............28
28b. Peristome when present single or double... growing on various substrates but not restricted to rich organic soil, bones, or other organic matter..........33

33a. stems erect, unbranched, or with branches erect, generally in tufts; archegonia and sporophytes terminal (may appear lateral because of innovative branches arising below the sporophytes.)...............34
34b. leaves, especially the bases, not as above..................................36
36a. Leaf cells conspicuosly bulging or bulging mammillose, at least on the upper (ventral) side, or papillose with papillae not, or scarcely, including the cell cavity, or roughned by fine longitudinal ridges............................37
37b. leaf cells papillose or steriolate................43
43b. Alar cells not enlarged and clearly differentiated..........................................45
45b. Stems strictly upright, sparcely branched; sporophytes terminal................................................54
54b. Plants usually in more extensive tufts; usually setae longer and capsule long exerted; growing on rocks and soil.....................55
55b. leaves not as above................................................56
56b. leaves lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, widest below the middle, long tapering to the apex; cells of the lower 1/4 of leaf various......................64
64a. Margins of leaves revolute or plane..........................65
65a. Peristome present, inserted at the mouth of the capsule; leaves linear-lanceolate from a broadly oblong to oblong-lanceolate base.................................................................(p.92)Trichostomum  tenuirostre

"Plants in loose tufts, up to 1 cm high, yeallow green above or brown below, on moist rocks, soil, rock ledges or occasionally on decaying wood or trees, British Columbia to Ontario south to Washington, Arizona, colorado, texas, Arkansas, tennessee and South Caroline. Fourth other species occur in North America." (Conrad and Redfearn, 1979)


Speciemen # 4 Timmia austriaca

                                                         FIG 1. Timmia austriaca

                                                              Fig. 2. a close look at the capsules of Timmia austriaca

Name: Timmia austriaca
Family: Timmiaceae
Collection Date: 05/10/2011
Habitat:  "This rare species grows on dry or damp, base-rich rock ledges at high altitudes, within an open turf of herbs and other mosses."(Parley 553)
Location: West Woods
Description: plants form reddish brown tufts, upto 10 cm in length.
Collector: Getachew Hatsey
Key Used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.
Keying Steps:
Introduction Key pg. 19
1a. Plants with stems and leaves; leaves spaced equally around the stem or...leaf cells elongate and isodiametric...rhizoids multicellular..sporophyte long lived..........................2
2b. Plants not as above...................3
3b. plants not as above....................(p.28) Subclass 3. BRYDAE.

key to Genera  Bryidae
1b. Green plants...empty cells at the base, apex, or margin of leaf.............3
3b. Leaves inserted in three or more rows, plant sometimes strongly flattened.........7
7b. plants with a peristome of more than 4 teeth or peristome teeth absent.........8
8b. Leaves well developed and persistent.............9
9b. Capsule and leaves not as above...................10
10b. Plants with a distinct stem .............17

17b. plants large, capsule exserted; grows on trees.........20
20b. leaves without such outgrowth; sometimes with deciduous gemmae...............28
28b. Peristome when present single or double... growing on various substrates but not restricted to rich organic soil, bones, or other organic matter..........33
33a. stems erect, unbranched, or with branches erect, generally in tufts; archegonia and sporophytes terminal (may appear lateral because of innovative branches arising below the sporophytes.)...............34
34b. leaves, especially the bases, not as above..................................36
36a. Leaf cells conspicuosly bulging or bulging mammillose, at least on the upper (ventral) side, or papillose with papillae not, or scarcely, including the cell cavity, or roughned by fine longitudinal ridges............................37
37a. Leaf cells conspicuously bulging mammilose, at least on upper surface......................38
38a. leaf cells mammillose on upper side; smooth or slightly papillose on lower side...............39
39b, leaf cells mainly in one layer...............40
40a. leaves broadly lanceolate from a broader base; calyptra often adhering to the tip of seta after falling from the mature capsule.............................(p.139) Timmia

Key to Family Timmiaceae
1b. leaf sheath orange to brown...............................Timmia austriaca.

"plants in robust, tomentose, reddish brown tufts, up to 15cm high, on soil or rocks, pacific Northwest to Nevada, Utah, Colorado, South Dakota and Michigan."(Conrad and Redfearn, 1979)


Speiemen # 3 Fissidens taxifolius

Fig. 1.  Fissidens taxifolius  

                                                         Fig. 2. Closer look at the leaf of  Fissidens taxifolius 

Name: Fissidens taxifolius 
Family: fissidentaceae
Collection Date: 05/10/2011
Habitat: found in wooland, on rocks and soil
Location: West Woods
Description: small plants, grows on soil and rocks and base of a tree.
Collector: Getachew Hatsey
Key Used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.
Keying Steps:
Introduction Key pg. 19
1a. Plants with stems and leaves; leaves spaced equally around the stem or...leaf cells elongate and isodiametric...rhizoids multicellular..sporophyte long lived..........................2
2b. Plants not as above...................3
3b. plants not as above....................(p.28) Subclass 3. BRYDAE.
key to Genera  Bryidae
1b. Green plants...empty cells at the base, apex, or margin of leaf.............3
3a. Leaves inserted on the stem in two rows............................4
4a. Leaves appearing split at the base consisting of two vaginant laminae which clasp the stem as well as the base of the leaf above; wing like laminae extending dorsally and apically........................................(p.62) fissidens

key to order fissidantales
1b. Plants on earth, trees, or rocks, normally submerged..........................................4
4b. Leaves not bordered with long cells.....11
11b. Margins of leaves coarsely to finely and evenly serrate...........................14
14b. Margins finely and evenly serrate......17
17. Costa percurrent to shortly excurrent; sporophyte lateral...................................18
18a.  Costa stout, usually filling the apex, short excurrent; cells of upper leaf conically papillose or mammillose............Fissidens taxifolius 

These plants are generally small and grow on rock cracks, soil. Usually found in woodland, area that is undisturbed. They are found in British Columbia to California and Arizona.


Specimen # 2 Platydictya confervoides

                                         Fig.1. Platydictya confervoides

Name: Platydictya confervoides
Family: Plagiotheciaceae
Collection Date: 14/09/2001
Habitat:  grow on limestone, in a woody area
Location: South Chargin Reservation
Description:  "plants small, dark green with creeping stems and erect-ascending branches, on moist, shaded limestone, southeastern Canada south to the Great Lakes and Arkansas." (Conrad and Redfearn, 1979)
Collector: Getachew Hatsey 
Key Used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.
Keying Steps:
Introduction Key pg. 19
isodiametric...rhizoids multicellular..sporophyte long lived..........................2
2b. Plants not as above...................3
3b. plants not as above....................(p.28) Subclass 3. BRYDAE.
1b. leaves with a midrib (Costa).........2 plants, if empty cells occur they are not in 2 or 3 layers or they occur at the base, apex, margin of leaf...........3
3b. Leaves inserted in three or more rows though plants sometimes strongly flattened thus appearing in two rows......7
7b. Plants with peristome of more than 4 teeth or the peristome absent; gemmae when present at the tips of sterile stems not arranged in a cup................................8
8b. Leaves well developed and persistent..........9
9b. Capsules and leaves not as above..............10
10b. plants with distinct stem, if capsule present with operculum..............................17
17b. plants not minute, growing on rocks or soils..........20
20b. leaves without such outgrowth; sometimes with deciduous gemmae..............................28
28b. plants not having the above combination of characters; growing on various substrate but not restricted to rich organic soil, bones, or other organic matter...............33
33b. stems creeping or ascending, usually extensive branched, in interwoven mats: archegonia, antheridia and sporophytes lateral or at the ends of branches..............................139
139b. leaves smooth; more or less glossy....................174
174b. paraphyllia or multicellular propagula few or none, usually not seen, if numerous, then plants complanate.........182
182b. Costa single and strong to short and/or double to absent................................183
183b. Costa single, reaching the middle of the leaf or beyond to lacking, or short and or/or double................184
184b. Costa lacking, or lacking short and / or double.............................230
230b. plants terrestrial; costa short and double...............................231
231a. Median leaf cells short, 2-5:1....................................................232
232b. Cell walls thin, equally thick all around..................................234

234a. Leaves entire.............................237

237b Cells smaller, 7-8micro wide; alar cells small and numerous............................................238
238a. leaves minute, to 0.6mm long.................................(p.183) Platydictya

1a. plants growing on limestone rocks.........Platydictya confervoides.

"plants small, dark green with creeping stems and erect-ascending branches, on moist, shaded limestone, southeastern Canada south to the Great Lakes and Arkansas." (Conrad and Redfearn, 1979)


Speciemen #1Neckera complanta

                                                        Fig. 1. Neckera complanta

Name: Neckera complanta
Family: Neckaraceae
Collection Date: 05/10/2011
Habitat: rocks and trunks of trees
Location: West woods
Description: "grows on shaded, rather base-rich rocks, walls, and less frequently on masonry. It is at least equally frequent on bark at the base of trees and on coppice stools in old hedgerows and woodlands in eastern England, and colonizes shrubs in the west. It is rare in dry, calcareous turf." (Preston 682)
Collector: Getachew Hatsey
Key Used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.

Keying Steps:
Introduction Key pg. 19
1a. Plants with stems and leaves; leaves spaced equally around the stem or...leaf cells elongate and isodiametric...rhizoids multicellular..sporophyte long lived..........................2
2b. Plants not as above...................3
3b. plants not as above....................(p.28) Subclass 3. BRYDAE.

key to Genera  Bryidae
1b. Green plants...empty cells at the base, apex, or margin of leaf.............3
3b. Leaves inserted in three or more rows, plant sometimes strongly flattened.........7
7b. plants with a peristome of more than 4 teeth or peristome teeth absent.........8
8b. Leaves well developed and persistent.............9
9b. Capsule and leaves not as above...................10
10b. Plants with a distinct stem .............capsule present with operculum......17
17b. plants large, capsule exserted; grows on trees.........20
20b. leaves without such outgrowth; sometimes with deciduous gemmae...............28
28b. Peristome when present single or double... growing on various substrates but not restricted to rich organic soil, bones, or other organic matter..........33
33b. stems creeping and branched, archegonia, antheridia, and sporophyte lateral.......139
139b. leaves smooth; more or less glossy...............174
174b. Paraphyllia or multicellular propagula few or none, usually not seen, if numerous, then plants complanate........182
182b. Costa single, and strong to short and/or double to absent.............................183
183b. Costa single, reaching the middle of the leaf or beyond to lacking, or short and/or double..........................184
184b. Costa lacking, or short and/ or double.....................230
230b. Plants terrestrial, not in areas where subject to long periods of submergence inn flowing water..................231
231b. Median leaf cells long to very long, 5-20:1........................................239
239b. Leaves not as above; gemmae if present, not forming clusters at the tip of the shoots...............240
240b. Leaves with small quadrate alar cells or alar cells slightly inflated and hyaline..............................252
252b. Leaves with little alar cells...........260
260b. Leaves complanate-foliate or falcate-secund with branches hooked at tip.......263
263b. Leaves Complanate-foliate, not falcate.................................264
264b. Leaves Ovate to oblong; cells thick walled, linear-flexuose.............................(p.160) Neckera

key to Family Neckeraceae
1a. Leaves rounded and usually apiculate at the apex, not strongly undulate............................Neckera complanta

Plants 2-4 cm long, stems complanate-foliate, green to pale green, in loose mats, on rocks and trunks of trees, labrador, southern Canada south to Tennessee, North Carolina and in Arkansas.